August 22, 2014
» The Norwalk, CT, Transit District is seeking a chief executive officer. [More]
» The Milwaukee County Transit System has an opening for a deputy director. [More]
» The Brockton Area Transit Authority, Brockton, MA, requests proposals for a mid-life vehicle overhaul program. [More]
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Mathews Named NARP CEO

Jim Mathews will join the National Association of Railroad Passengers as president and chief executive officer, effective Sept. 8.

Mathews, previously executive editor of the Aviation Week Intelligence Network, has 30 years of publishing experience in the transportation sector, including 26 years at Aviation Week. He also served on the Amtrak Customer Advisory Council for six years, including two years as its chairman. He is a lifelong train traveler with a deep-rooted vision for a robust national passenger rail network within the U.S.

“I believe deeply in rail’s possibilities as an economic engine in the communities it serves, as a potentially transformative mode in an ever-changing transportation landscape, and as the most environmentally responsible way to meet the transportation challenges of the 21st century,” Mathews said. “As president and CEO, I will commit myself to fostering more member engagement, broadening NARP’s relationships and reach, and setting a foundation for growth to make this important and impressive organization even more effective and relevant.”
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