August 22, 2014
» The Norwalk, CT, Transit District is seeking a chief executive officer. [More]
» The Milwaukee County Transit System has an opening for a deputy director. [More]
» The Brockton Area Transit Authority, Brockton, MA, requests proposals for a mid-life vehicle overhaul program. [More]
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Valley Metro Recognizes Rep. Pastor for Support

Valley Metro in Phoenix hosted an event Aug. 14 to thank retiring Rep. Ed Pastor (D-AZ) for his 23 years of service and to honor him with APTA’s 2014 Local Distinguished Service Award.

After local and national officials spoke at the Central and Roosevelt Station, the system unveiled a ­Valley Metro Rail train with a unique wrap depicting projects made possible through Pastor’s support and advocacy in Washington.

Pastor was first elected to Congress in 1991. With his backing, the region has received federal grants to build large-scale transportation projects including a $587 Full Funding Grant Agreement in 2005 for the first 20 miles of Valley Metro Rail and, later, a $75 million FTA grant for the 3.1-mile Central Mesa light rail extension. In 2011, Pastor was able to secure two federal grants totaling $1.75 million that have helped plan a high-capacity transit corridor in south Phoenix.

“Congressman Pastor is a true point of pride and one of our greatest community champions for Phoenix and the region,” said Phoenix Mayor Greg ­Stanton. “His vision is centered on connectivity and building a better life for Arizonans through access to public transportation, jobs, education and arts and culture.”

In a statement, APTA President & CEO Michael Melaniphy said: “Throughout his career in Congress, U.S. Rep. Ed Pastor has seen the future for the Phoenix metro region, and public transportation has always been a central part of that vision. The APTA Distinguished Service Award is being given to him as recognition of his leadership on advancing public transportation for more than 20 years.”

HDR, Parsons Brinckerhoff, and URS sponsored the event.

Rep. Ed Pastor, center, accepts a picture showing a Valley Metro Rail train wrapped with photos of projects that have received federal funding through his help. Presenting the picture are Valley Metro CEO Steve Banta, left, and Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton.

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