November 7, 2014
» Gold Coast Transit District, Oxnard, CA, seeks a director of planning and marketing, [More]
» Hampton Roads Transit has openings for an application administrator, reports developer, and technology project manager. [More]
» The Transit Authority of River City has issued a request for information regarding on-board surveillance systems. [More]
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Transit Virtual Career Network Web Portal Launches

The Transit Virtual Career Network (TVCN)—a web portal and accompanying industry video promoting more than 55 frontline jobs and career opportunities in the public transportation industry—premiered during the 2014 APTA Annual Meeting & EXPO in Houston.

Lydia Grose, chair, APTA Human Resources Committee, and director of engineering and design, Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority, Philadelphia, called the TVCN “the place to go to learn about various frontline transit industry jobs and related skills in operations, maintenance, facilities, and administration. This site lets you find out where to go locally for related courses and training. It helps you access information about financial aid opportunities and learn about earning college credit for prior learning, including military training. Most importantly, the TVCN helps identify many transit job openings in your area and across the country.”

The TVCN was developed through an FTA Innovative Transit Workforce Development Program grant by a multi-partner initiative led by the John J. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development and the Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation, both at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. APTA’s other partners for this project included the American Association of Community Colleges, the National Association of Workforce Boards, and XPAND Corporation. In addition, APTA received support from dozens of its members.

For details, click here or contact Joe Niegoski.
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