February 20, 2015
» The Arizona Transit Association is looking for an executive director. [More]
» The city of Simi Valley, CA, seeks a transit supervisor. [More]
» The Greater Bridgeport Transit Authority requests proposals for demand-response (paratransit) bus services. [More]
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Sound Transit Opens Permanent Tukwila Sounder Station

Sound Transit held ribbon-cutting ceremonies Feb. 18 for a permanent Sounder commuter rail station, a new regional hub that will replace a temporary structure.

The new station at Tukwila, WA, will provide connections to Amtrak and buses, 390 parking spaces, storage for 80 bicycles and four electric vehicle charging stations.

Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA), who attended the event, said, “I was proud to be a voice for this community and fight for the federal investments this project needed and the results are worth it. This station will continue to link communities throughout the region, support local businesses and help commuters every day.”

Tukwila is one of nine Sounder stations on a line that serves more than 13,000 riders a day; service began in 2000. The temporary station allowed time for the city to establish its downtown development plan.

Sound Transit received $13.5 million in federal funding for the $46 million project.
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