April 17, 2015
» The Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District seeks a director of procurement. [More]
» Park City, Utah, announces the new position of community development director. [More]
» The Delaware County Transit Board, Delaware, OH, requests proposals for a transit development plan and funding study. {More]
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GCRTA Breaks Ground for Reconstructed Rail Station

As part of its Stand Up 4 Transportation Day activities on April 9, the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority (GCRTA) broke ground for a new $11.3 million reconstruction of the Brookpark Rapid Station, the last station on the Red Line before Hopkins International Airport. The original station opened in 1969 as part of a four-mile extension of heavy rail to the airport.

The reconstructed station will be fully ADA compliant and will include upgrades to the existing tunnel and a new elevator core, rail platform and passenger waiting areas. Redesign of the grounds will incorporate landscaping, wider sidewalks and additional lighting, security systems and cameras. The construction will follow green/sustainability design principles.
Development of the new Brookpark ­Station is expected to take 18-24 months.


Breaking ground for GCRTA’s Brookpark Rapid Station, from left: GCRTA General Manager Joe Calabrese, board members Dennis Clough and Valarie J. McCall, also APTA vice chair, Cleveland Councilman Martin Keane, Brook Park Councilman Tom Troyer, Brook Park Mayor Tom Coyne and Ohio state Rep. Stephanie Howse.

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