April 17, 2015
» The Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District seeks a director of procurement. [More]
» Park City, Utah, announces the new position of community development director. [More]
» The Delaware County Transit Board, Delaware, OH, requests proposals for a transit development plan and funding study. {More]
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SEPTA Breaks Ground on Terminal Renovations

Philadelphia’s Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA) kicked off the West Terminal Improvements Project at its 69th Street Transportation Center with a ground-breaking ceremony April 13.

“Almost 35,000 people use 69th Street Transportation Center every day,” said SEPTA General Manager Joseph Casey at the event. “The improvements we are making at the West Terminal will ensure that those customers will have a restored and modernized place where they can catch our buses and trolleys.”

The 69th Street Transportation Center is a 105-year-old multimodal facility that serves SEPTA rail, trolley and bus routes. The renovations will include reconstructing pedestrian ramps, platforms, canopies and a waiting area, installing cameras and incorporating sustainable design features such as green roofs, energy-efficient LED lighting and architectural elements that will allow for increased natural light and reduced energy use.

The $19.6 million 69th Street Transportation Center West Terminal Improvements Project is part of SEPTA’s “Rebuilding for the Future” capital program. Funding for the project comes from the FTA Bus and Bus Facility Livability Grant Program and Pennsylvania Act 89.
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