July 10, 2015
» The city of Edmonton, AB, is looking for a branch manager for the Edmonton Transit System. [More]
» VIA Metropolitan Transit is seeking a director of facilities. [More]
» Los Angeles Metro requests proposals for a light rail vehicle overhaul program. [More]
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National Council Releases Draft Report

Increased funding for transportation infrastructure would help incorporate resilience into the planning, design and construction of transportation facilities and services, according to a new draft report discussed in early July by the National Infrastructure Advisory Council (NIAC).

The NIAC was created by a White House executive order in October 2001 to advise the president and secretary of homeland security on the security and resilience of critical infrastructure supporting the U.S. economy.

The draft report cites an underinvestment in transportation infrastructure and the critical lifeblood it provides, stating that deficient and ­deteriorating public transit systems cost the U.S. economy $90 billion. It also reports that one in nine U.S. bridges is structurally deficient and road congestion costs American drivers $101 billion annually.

The report emphasizes resilience throughout the early stages of project development and design, and standards, asset management practices and the resiliency culture that will result.

NIAC Co-Chair Beverly Scott, chief executive officer of Beverly Scott Associates and former head of public transit systems in Rhode Island, Sacramento, Atlanta and Boston, chaired the transportation sector report. Read the draft report here.
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