October 30, 2015
» The Utah Transit Authority seeks a president and CEO. [More]
» The Washington State Transit Association has an opening for an executive director. [More]
» The Greater Peoria Mass Transit District is requesting proposals for an integrated video surveillance system for its three facilities in Peoria, IL. [More]
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Innovation from the Bay Area

The San Francisco Bay region is a springboard for some of the industry’s trend-setting ideas and practices. Panelists making presentations at a special session during the Annual Meeting were, from left, John Funghi, central subway program director, San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (Muni), who described how Muni is building a subway “mega project” in an urban core with minimal disruptions; Marian Lee, chief officer, Caltrain planning and modernization, San Mateo County Transit District (SamTrans), who discussed Caltrain’s electrification project; Scott Boule, legislative affairs and community outreach manager, Transbay Joint Powers Authority, who described the Transbay Terminal project; and Peter Gabancho, project manager III, Van Ness BRT, and Paul Bignardi, principal transportation planner, Muni, who discussed the agency’s Van Ness BRT initiative. Steve Heminger (not pictured), executive director, Metropolitan Transportation Commission, Oakland, CA, moderated the session.

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