November 13, 2015
» The South Florida Regional Transportation Authority has an opening for an operations project manager, fleet maintenance. [More]
» The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey is looking for a supervising analyst, bus operations. [More]
» The New Orleans Regional Transit Authority requests proposals for an Automatic Vehicle Location/Computer Aided Dispatch system for the fixed-route bus and streetcar services. [More]
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Lewis Receives Sharon Banks Award

The Transportation Research Board (TRB) has named Carol A. Lewis, professor in the Department of Transportation Studies and director of the Center for Transportation Training and Research at Texas Southern University, as the recipient of the 2016 Sharon D. Banks Award for Humanitarian Leadership in Transportation.

TRB recognized Lewis for her transportation accomplishments, successes in the mentoring and nurturing of young people and tireless promotion of responsible growth and protection of neighborhoods. She will receive the honor Jan. 13, 2016, in Washington, DC, during the Chairman’s Luncheon at the TRB 95th Annual Meeting.

The award—named for the late Sharon D. Banks, chair of the TRB Executive Committee in 1998 and general manager of AC Transit, Oakland, CA, from 1991 until her death in 1999—honors individuals whose accomplishments exemplify Banks’ ideals of humanity and service by making a significant difference in the lives of those who use, deliver or support transportation services.
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