February 19, 2016
» Sound Transit seeks a deputy director, civil and structural design. [More]
» The Norwalk Transit District is looking for a director of transportation operations. [More]
» St. Cloud Metro Bus requests proposals for a complete redesign of its website. [More]
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Busy Season for APTA Conferences

As spring approaches, APTA encourages members to mark their calendars now for one of the many conferences scheduled in the coming months.

APTA has announced that pundits David Wasserman and Nathan Gonzales will address the March 13 Welcome to Washington General Session at the Legislative ­Conference in Washington, DC. Wasserman is election analyst for the Cook Political Report and Gonzales is editor and publisher of the Rothenberg & Gonzales Political Report.

Other upcoming conferences include:

* Fare Collection & Revenue Manage­ment Summit and Trans­ITech ­Conference: April 11-13, San Diego;
* Public Transportation and ­Universities Conference: April 16-19, Grand Rapids, MI;
* Transit Board Members and Board Support ­Seminar: April 30-May 3, San Antonio;
* Bus & Paratransit ­Conference: May 15-18, Charlotte, NC;
* Rail Conference: June 19-22, Phoenix;
* Sustainability and Public Transportation Workshop, July 24-26, ­Austin, TX; and
* Annual Meeting, Sept. 11-14, Los Angeles.

Learn more here.
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