April 29, 2016
» The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency seeks two project managers, one in the Capital Improvement Program and one in the Light Rail Vehicle Procurement Program. [More]
» Bi-State Development/Metro in St. Louis is looking for a director, MetroBus operations. [More]
» The Alexandria Transit Company requests proposals for redesign of its DASH website. [More]
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RideScout, GlobeSherpa Merge

RideScout and GlobeSherpa recently merged to become moovel NA, a subsidiary of Daimler AG.

The new company offers mobility solutions through two complementary projects: moovel transit, which allows public transit agencies to access ticketing options such as mobile sales, smartcard management, real-time analytics and transaction data in a single place, and RideTap, which allows users to access ride options in real time through an addition to the agency’s app.

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