May 27, 2016
» Hampton Roads Transit seeks a director of transit development, [More]
» The Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority has an opening for a senior vice president, finance/chief financial officer. [More]
» The Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation requests qualifications for professional engineering and program management services for the Honolulu Rail Transit Project. [More]
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OCTA Welcomes First Hydrogen Fuel Cell Bus

Officials of the Orange County (CA) Transportation Authority (OCTA) and partnering agencies and bus companies participated in an event May 23 to welcome the agency’s first hydrogen fuel cell electric bus. The bus from ElDorado National-California, with technology from Ballard Power Systems and BAE Systems, is part of a two-year demonstration project funded by FTA under the National Fuel Cell Bus Program; it is expected to complement OCTA’s existing fleet, which consists almost entirely of natural gas-powered vehicles. The exterior design depicts California poppies.

Photo courtesy of OCTA


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