July 15, 2016
» Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit Inc., Ithaca, NY, seeks a general manager. [More]
» Los Alamos County, NM, is looking for a transit manager for Atomic City Transit. [More]
» The Ann Arbor Area Transportation Authority requests letters of interest and statements of qualifications regarding transportation service between Ann Arbor and Detroit Metropolitan Airport. [More]
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rabbittransit Expands Service to Three New Counties

rabbittransit, the public transportation provider based in York, PA, took over responsibility for shared ride services in Montour, Union and Snyder counties from the county governments on July 1.

“We are excited about this new opportunity for us to advance mobility in the region by joining Montour, Union and Snyder to collectively see greater efficiencies and the potential of improved services,” said Richard Farr, rabbittransit executive director.

The term shared ride service refers to coordinated, door-to-door transportation between customers’ origin and destination points and fits under the label of paratransit, said agency spokesperson Jenna Reedy, with a required application and reservation process. However, she said, it is open to the general public along with older riders and persons with disabilities. None of the three counties operated fixed-route service, she added.

The only change customers might notice in the three counties is the rebranding to rabbittransit; they get access to services the same way they always have. Riders also can use the agency’s automated callback system and trip reminders to track their vehicles.

In a statement, Kenneth Holdren, chairman of the Montour County Commissioners, cited increasing expenses to the county as a reason for the change. “Partnering with rabbittransit made the most sense as they are already operating transit services throughout the area,” he said, noting that fare calculations have shifted from zone-based to mileage-based but fares should not increase or would increase only slightly.

rabbittransit, originally known formally as the York County Transportation Authority, began expanding its operations in 2011 by merging with the Adams County Transit Authority to form the York Adams Transportation Authority. After adding service in Northumberland and Cumberland counties, the agency changed its formal name to Central Pennsylvania Transportation Authority earlier this year, when it also began serving Columbia and Franklin counties. The agency plans to begin service in Perry County on Oct. 1.
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