July 29, 2016
» The Sacramento Regional Transit District seeks a vice president, business services/chief financial officer. [More]
» Torrance Transit is looking for a deputy transit director. [More]
» The Memphis Area Transit Authority is accepting proposals for transit management services. [More]
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Rep. Matsui Tours New Siemens Rail Service HQ

Siemens recently hosted Rep. Doris Matsui (D-CA) for a tour of its new 60,000-square-foot plant in Sacramento dedicated to its rail service, maintenance and repair operations; the facility also serves as Siemens Mobility Customer Services U.S. headquarters and West Coast logistics hub.

With more than 60 employees, ­Siemens has nearly doubled its workforce at the site since its opening in February and plans to continue hiring to support its service business.

“This new facility is integral to Sacramento’s continued growth as a manufacturing hub in our region,” Matsui said. “The work being done here not only contributes to job growth in Sacramento, it also is an investment in our clean energy future. I look forward to continued collaboration with Siemens as we work together to advance a long-term, sustainable vision for our region’s transportation infrastructure and economy.”

Siemens Customer Services Vice President Chris Maynard said, “Our new plant is not only the U.S. headquarters for our ­service business, it has also enabled us to continue to grow highly-skilled employment oppor­tunities for the Sacramento region.”

One of the first projects at the new facility is a $21 million contract to modernize 32 SD160 light rail vehicles for Calgary Transit in Alberta, Canada, and a partnership with the Sacramento Regional Transit District (RT) to complete the refurbishment of 21 light rail vehicles for the RT system. The refurbishments will add approximately 15 years of useful life to the vehicles.

The new rail service facility will complement Siemens’ existing rail manufacturing operations located in South Sacramento, which has been in operation for almost 30 years. It currently employs nearly 1,000 people and includes a recent 125,000-square-foot expansion to accommodate growing production needs.

Rep. Doris Matsui and Siemens Vice President Chris Maynard, right, toured the new 60,000-square-foot Siemens facility, currently modernizing light rail vehicles for Calgary Transit and Sacramento RT.

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