July 29, 2016
» The Sacramento Regional Transit District seeks a vice president, business services/chief financial officer. [More]
» Torrance Transit is looking for a deputy transit director. [More]
» The Memphis Area Transit Authority is accepting proposals for transit management services. [More]
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More than 30 Educational Sessions at Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting schedule includes more than 30 educational sessions covering a range of topics from public transportation planning and maintenance to workforce development, funding and major ­projects.

Descriptions for most of the sessions follow. Find the complete list here.

Complete Streets and Complete Trip. Public transit agencies and their partners are implementing complete streets policies that focus on the whole trip, from the walk to the transit stop to the walk after leaving the system.

First and Last Mile. Convenient access to transit is fast becoming the top criterion in deciding where to live, work and play. Transit agencies are implementing new approaches to access stops to solve the first and last mile problem and extend the reach of transit to more customers.

An Open Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Close. Following his General Session presentation, Steven Robbins leads a discussion on the benefits of open-mindedness, including group activities.

Trend Setting Initiatives: California on the Move. California has been a springboard for a wealth of new and potentially trend-setting transportation ideas.

AdWheel Awards Ceremony. The 37th Annual AdWheel Awards competition honors the best in public transportation marketing and communications. This event recognizes the 11 Grand Award winners.

Early Career Program Graduation. The third class of the Early Career Program will graduate at this event, which also includes highlights of this year’s class projects.

Leadership APTA: Celebrating Tomorrow’s Leaders. Members of the Leadership APTA Class of 2016 will give their project presentations before participating in graduation ceremonies. This session will also introduce the Class of 2017.

State of Good Repair, Transit Asset Management—Prioritize for Quality Service. Transit performance management practices allow agencies to better communicate their transit asset management needs to state and regional entities and receive the funding necessary to address state of good repair challenges.

Transforming Lives and ­Communities: The Power of Transportation ­Investment. There is an important connection between transportation investment—jobs, economic impact—and the opportunity to help drive positive outcomes for historically underutilized groups. This session highlights the U.S. Employment Plan developed by JMA, an LA-based nonprofit organization, in coordination with DOT.

Advancing Transit: Perspectives on Multimodal Long Range and Strategic Planning. Hear the latest information on the recent rule on metropolitan and statewide transportation planning and how practitioners from around the country are advancing collaborative decision making to build integrated transportation systems.

Creative Finance and Public-Private Partners. Panelists will advise on strategies to make the most of alternative project delivery tools and partnerships, federal credit programs and incentives to stimulate transportation and infrastructure investment.

Creating Communities with Station Design and TOD Round Table. TOD efforts are increasingly expected to deliver affordable housing, support community and economic development and grow ridership. Speakers will explore how TOD transforms communities while maintaining equity.

On the Right Path: Transit/Bike Partnerships Round Table. Transit/bike partnerships can help solve first mile and last mile issues.

Public Transportation “Pitch” Session. APTA invites young transportation professionals and local graduate students from transportation-related programs for an opportunity to promote enlightened “pitches” on innovation and technology.

Integrating Innovation into Your Organization. Get an inside view from officials who work across organizational silos to chart new directions for agencies and businesses.

APTA/COMTO Assembly—Gentrification: A Moving Target for Equitable Service Provision. How can public transit agencies deal with the demographic shifts in urban cores and maintain service equity for the transit-dependent, low-income riders being pushed out of cities by rising housing costs?

Update on the Federal DBE Program. Information on recent changes, discussion of new initiatives and an interactive exchange between DBE program administrators and policy officials.

The Procurement Super Session! Panelists with substantial industry experience will take procurement-related questions from the audience.

Arts in Transit. The spotlight will be on public transportation art projects and their role in helping revitalize their communities.

Mobility and Technology. As technology and innovation progress, how do you choose the right technologies to complement your system?

Mobility Management Strategies for Integrated Mobility. Panelists will identify ways to improve the effectiveness, efficiency and equity of transit through partnerships with new mobility services that improve access to transit for all riders.

Mega Projects Worldwide. The projects highlighted in this session will help transform their communities, bolster regional economies and serve future generations.

High-Speed and Intercity Rail. This session will focus on the latest California and U.S. developments, as well as regional rail integration here and abroad.

Title VI, Environmental Justice and Social Equity in Transit. Through federal programs and other agency initiatives, the industry is proactively working to expand economic opportunity, socioeconomic mobility, and community health while limiting further disparate impact.

Smart Cities: Reimagining Transportation. Transportation agencies, municipalities and businesses are creating vastly improved services by working together, joined through communications and information technology.

Understanding the Complexities of a Comprehensive Payment System Serving the 21st Century. Today’s transition to an updated electronic payment system, serving not only traditional public transit fare collection requirements but also accommodating multi-party ridesharing services and non-transportation transactions, is a multifaceted endeavor requiring dissection, identification, and processing of layers of interconnected operational, financial, security, public and overall organizational considerations.
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