July 29, 2016
» The Sacramento Regional Transit District seeks a vice president, business services/chief financial officer. [More]
» Torrance Transit is looking for a deputy transit director. [More]
» The Memphis Area Transit Authority is accepting proposals for transit management services. [More]
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Voices of Experience Engage Leadership APTA Class

Public transit chief executives and senior leaders including APTA Vice Chair Doran Barnes, executive director, Foothill Transit, West Covina, CA, spoke about their career journeys and shared insights about their roles as executives during the Leadership APTA Class of 2016’s recent capstone session in Chicago.

Barnes led a session on the many benefits, challenges and outcomes of diversity in the public transportation industry. His presentation, which included open discussion, considered ways to build on diversity accomplishments and set new growth areas to maintain continuous improvement.

Other presenters during the week included Grace Crunican, general manager, San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District; Jerry Premo, principal, Premo Partnerships, Orange, CA, and emeritus member, Leadership APTA Committee; Susannah Kerr Adler, chair, Leadership APTA, and transit and rail-senior vice president, CH2M; Debbie Alexander, assistant executive director, Capital Area Transportation Authority, Lansing, MI; and Joe Alexander, president, the Alexander Group.

The session also provided an opportunity for class members to give presentations based on their executive leadership projects.

Four CEOs of Chicago-area public transit agencies attended the Leadership APTA session to discuss how they have worked to build partnerships among their organizations. They are, from left, T.J. Ross, Pace Suburban Bus; Don Orseno, Metra; Dorval Carter, Chicago Transit Authority; and Leanne Redden, Regional Transportation Authority.

Photo courtesy of Regional Transportation Authority
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