July 29, 2016
» The Sacramento Regional Transit District seeks a vice president, business services/chief financial officer. [More]
» Torrance Transit is looking for a deputy transit director. [More]
» The Memphis Area Transit Authority is accepting proposals for transit management services. [More]
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'Every Place Counts' to Reconnect Neighborhoods

DOT recently launched the Ladders of Opportunity Every Place Counts Design Challenge, which encourages four U.S. cities—Spokane, WA; Philadelphia; Nashville, TN; and St. Paul-Minneapolis—to reimagine existing transportation projects to reconnect neighborhoods isolated by the construction of interstate highways.

DOT employees and other experts held two-day workshops in each of the four cities to help communities and decision-makers work together to develop context-sensitive design solutions that reflect and incorporate the input of the people and communities they impact.

The program does not have a funding component, DOT Secretary Anthony Foxx said; its goal is to increase the visibility of the problem, which could lead to the use of public and private funding already available for transportation.
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