July 29, 2016
» The Sacramento Regional Transit District seeks a vice president, business services/chief financial officer. [More]
» Torrance Transit is looking for a deputy transit director. [More]
» The Memphis Area Transit Authority is accepting proposals for transit management services. [More]
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20 Agencies Receive $55 Million in FTA 'Low-No' Grants

FTA has selected 20 public transit providers in 13 states to receive $55 million in Fiscal Year 2016 funding for new technology buses—battery-electric or fuel cell powered—through the Low or No-Emission (Low-No) Bus Competitive Grant Program. Seventeen of the grant recipients are APTA members.

“Our Low-No grant projects represent the latest and greatest bus services running on state-of-the-art technology, resulting in cleaner air and lower costs in the long run,” said FTA Acting Administrator Carolyn Flowers. “By investing in new technology bus fleets, we help transition an industry that many depend on to a model of green, efficient service.”

Among the recipients of the largest grants are Clemson (SC) Area Transit, Port Arthur (TX) Transit and Park City (UT) Transit, $3.9 million each; Santa Cruz (CA) Metropolitan Transit District and Chelan-Douglas Public Transportation Benefit Area (Link), Wenatchee, WA, $3.8 million each; Chicago Transit Authority, $3.6 million; Lane Transit District, Eugene, OR, $3.5 million; and Portland’s Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon, $3.4 million. The complete list appears here.

The grants allow agencies to acquire buses and supporting facilities and infrastructure such as maintenance and recharging equipment, including “en route” charging that extends battery life. Many agencies also use the grants to train their workforces in operating and maintaining a new generation of buses.
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