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New York Subway to Order 1,025 Railcars; Part of $27 Billion MTA Capital Program

New York Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo recently unveiled the design features of 1,025 new and reimagined subway cars for MTA New York City Transit, part of a $27 billion, five-year New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) capital program to renew the subway network.

“New York deserves a world-class transportation network, worthy of its role as the heartbeat of the 21st-century economy,” Cuomo said at the New York Transit Museum in Brooklyn. “The MTA design team developed a bold and visionary reimagining of the quintessential commuter experience, incorporating best practices from global transit systems and focusing on our core mission to renew, enhance and expand. We are going to do more than renovate—we are bringing subway stations to a higher standard than ever before and the new vision for subway cars will increase capacity and reduce overcrowding and delays.”

The subway car order, which MTA has just opened for proposals, could include up to 750 vehicles with an open car end design, which replaces the door between cars with an ­accordion-like connector allowing for improved ­passenger flow and increased capacity. Other design elements will include wider doors so passengers can enter and exit more promptly, LED headlights and amenities such as Wi-Fi, USB chargers, full color digital customer information displays, digital advertisements, illuminated door opening alerts and security cameras.

The initiative also establishes improved design standards for subway stations and calls for renovations at 31 stations across the city’s five boroughs. Enhanced lighting, improved signage and amenities such as countdown clocks and Wi-Fi are part of the plan, as is consideration of historical elements in the existing facilities.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo unveiled the design features of 1,025 new and reimagined subway cars during an event at the New York Transit Museum.

Photo by Philip Kamrass/Office of the Governor

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