September 23, 2016
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People, Processes, Plan Bs Are Critical to Transformational Leadership

What does it take to be a “transformational leader” in the transportation industry—one who can engage, empower and energize employees; overcome internal and external resistance; communicate and delegate effectively; leapfrog silos; create cross-functional teams and transform workplace culture?

APTA convened some of the industry’s most innovative thinkers to share their strategies in Wednesday’s Closing General Session, “Transformational Leadership Throughout the Organization.”

Focus on the organization’s people, first and foremost, suggested Andy Byford, chief executive officer, Toronto Transit Commission, Toronto, ON, and member, APTA Board of Directors. “They’re the ones who will help you.”

Byford said focusing on the agency’s people is the “signature piece” of his overall leadership strategy to strengthen and modernize the TTC, the third largest public transit system in North America.

His advice was echoed by Sir Peter Hendy, chair, Network Rail Consulting Ltd., London, and past commissioner, Transport for London, who said, “I deal with people. That’s the only way you’re going to get the place changed.”

Hendy listed common challenges of all transportation organizations. “No one has enough money, and everyone has ancient assets,” he said, adding that growing ridership (hopefully) and increasing expenditures also challenge all transit leaders.

Paul Comfort, Maryland Transit Administration administrator and chief executive officer and member, APTA Board of Directors, said his core leadership strategy in establishing a new direction at the agency was to “bend the bureaucracy toward excellence.”

Specifically, he said, transit leaders should build their own teams, break up the “power of back office/support functions,” arbitrate conflicts directly, communicate and champion a major project such as BaltimoreLink, his agency’s new plan to overhaul and rebrand the system in the city itself and throughout the greater region.

Deborah Flint, chief executive officer, Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA), said, “Always have a Plan B.” In addition, she advised transportation leaders to “find millennials” and keep them engaged in the benefits and value of transportation, and to “keep technology close” by supporting social media platforms, including Instagram.

LAWA owns and operates three airports in Southern California: Los Angeles International, LA/Ontario International and Van Nuys Airport.

The session was moderated by Dave Jensen, president, S3 Inc., a leadership coaching and training firm based in Los Angeles.

Panelists at the transformational leadership General Session were, from left, Dave Jensen, moderator; Andy Byford, TTC chief executive officer; Deborah Flint, chief executive officer, Los Angeles World Airports; Sir Peter Hendy, chair, Network Rail Consulting Ltd., London; and Paul Comfort, administrator and chief executive officer, Maryland Transit Administration.

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