November 4, 2016
» Transpo, South Bend, IN, seeks a director of operations. [More]
» The Spokane Transit Authority is looking for a transportation manager to head paratransit and vanpool operations. [More]
» Access Services in Los Angeles requests proposals for ADA eligibility and mobility evaluation services. [More]
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FTA Schedules Triennial Review Workshops

FTA has scheduled a series of Triennial Review workshops through December to help grantees prepare for reviews by looking at statutory and program requirements and providing procedural guides and other supporting materials.

FTA Triennial Review contractors conduct the workshops, which are open to transit agency representatives; additional contractors, who may attend to keep their information up to date and meet grantee personnel before reviews; and FTA Regional Office staff, who may clarify grantee questions when necessary.

The Triennial Review, mandated by Congress in 1982, is one of FTA’s tools to examine grantee performance and adherence to current requirements and policies. The review also gives FTA an opportunity to provide technical assistance on its requirements and helps FTA report to the DOT secretary, Congress, oversight agencies and the public transit community on the Urbanized Area Formula Program.

Find the Comprehensive Review Guide for FY 2017 and workshop dates, locations and registration information here.
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