August 3, 2018
» Metra in Chicago seeks a deputy executive director. [More]
» Ben Franklin Transit, Richland, WA, is looking for a planning & service development director. [More]
» Victor Valley Transit Authority, Hesperia, CA, requests proposals for a battery energy storage and demand response system. [More]
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LTK Engineering Acquires NDYLTK Rail

LTK Engineering Services, based in Ambler, PA, has acquired NDYLTK Rail, an Australian firm that has changed its name to LTK Australia Pty Ltd.

In 2011, LTK Engineering Services and Norman Disney & Young (NDY) established a partnership to offer complete rail engineering services for clients in Australia, New Zealand, Asia and Africa. NDY was recently acquired by another firm, giving LTK the opportunity to purchase NDYLTK outright.

Chi Ping Luk, the managing director of NDYLTK, will remain in that role with LTK Australia, which will continue to operate offices in Melbourne and Sydney.


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