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March 2, 2012
Congress Continues to Debate Length of Transportation Bill as Senate Addresses Amendments
This week brought news that opposition in the House to changes in public transportation financing had forced Republican leaders to reconsider the legislation. While leadership continues to work on iterations of a five-year bill, they have begun discussing a shorter version as a "fallback measure". Support for an 18-month version also seems to be unclear.
The Senate meanwhile continues to work to find agreement on moving ahead on a two-year $109 billion transportation bill. Currently Senate leaders are trying to reach agreement on a range of amendments including several that are unrelated to public transportation. Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has moved a number of amendments that both parties were able to agree on.
LaHood Discusses the Need for a Long-Term Surface Transportation Authorization Bill
Secretary Ray LaHood on his Fastlane blog spends some time talking about the need to focus on an American infrastructure that is built to last. He noted that America needs a long-term transportation bill that provides a direction for our public transportation services if we want an economy that is built to last as well.


The 2012 Fare Collection Workshop & TransITech Conference is coming up soon! Learn the latest in information technology, traveler information, electronic payment systems, and other intelligent transportation system issues affecting public transportation. Join top decision makers in transit information technology and fare collection at the annual exhibit showcase and reception. Hurry, though, because discounted early registration ends March 3.


Public service helps citizens when they need it most. A food bank in Florida is providing rides before and after hours because it sees the connection between getting people to doctor’s appointments and jobs and preventing hunger in the community.
The Huffington Post addresses the need for public transportation and sustainable communities and the concern that is raised by the threats of the House to slash funding for these programs.
As gas prices rise, so does ridership on public transportation. In LA, one longtime rider has noticed a recent trend of increased ridership throughout the city. When a day pass and a gallon of gas are the same price, many opt for the pass to move them everywhere they need to go.

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