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The Source for Public Transportation News and Analysis February 25, 2011
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AATA Park-and-Ride Facility Heralded as 2010 Project of the Year

The Metro Detroit Branch of the American Public Works Association has honored the Plymouth Road Park-and-Ride Lot constructed by the Ann Arbor Transportation Authority (TheRide) in Ann Arbor, MI, as its 2010 Project of the Year. The citation recognizes the transit agency for "reducing traffic congestion and improving parking availability in the city of Ann Arbor by constructing a parking facility implementing environmentally preferred best management practices."

The site, funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, provides commuter parking coupled with an internal transit shelter. The lot features 245 vehicular spaces, including designated spaces for handicap vans, compact cars, five-minute parking, and electrical vehicles. The parking facility also provides a standing pad, shelter, and benches for bus passengers, amenities for bicycle storage, and storage lockers.

Since its opening for service in May 2010, TheRide has seen daily use of the lot increase from 60 vehicles on the first day to the current average of 150 vehicles.

Orchard, Hiltz & McCliment Inc., the engineering consulting firm for the project, submitted the nomination for consideration in the "transportation less than $5 million" category.

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