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The Source for Public Transportation News and Analysis April 20, 2012
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Meet Cheryl Edwards!

Cheryl Edwards
Executive Assistant
Finance Department

What are your primary job responsibilities?
I work directly for APTA’s Chief Financial Officer (and indirectly for others in my department). I develop my supervisor’s agenda for the day, which includes such items as any meetings she might have or documents that need signing. I develop the weekly online calendar and ensure that the entire department receives all the materials it needs each day—including the mail and printed checks to be signed. I’m also responsible for sending all contracts over $10,000 to our secretary/treasurer, and I maintain the original contract files.

Every other week I bring a smile to the faces of certain APTA staff—because I hand them their paychecks!

Do you have direct contact with APTA members?
I used to work with members nearly daily—but when my previous supervisor no longer dealt with committees, my contact with members was reduced. As I said, I communicate frequently with APTA’s secretary/treasurer, plus I work with the Budget Committee.

But here are a couple of stories about dealing with members over the years that stand out in my mind.

One member, a general manager, was calling APTA looking for information. He remembered my name from the bus roadeo, he found me online, and called me directly. I researched his question, then called and told him who he needed to talk to. Then he called me back and thanked me, because, he said, he finally got the information he wanted.

Another time, a member of the Financial Management Committee called me, concerned that she would not be able to attend the meeting. She was very concerned that she would lose out on the information exchanged at the meeting, which is why I arranged for a conference call so she could participate.

What initiatives, projects, or programs have you worked on at APTA that you have taken particular pride in completing?
When I first started at APTA, I created the International Bus Roadeo Handbook—a step-by-step set of instructions for how to compete in the roadeo. Instead of everyone receiving a bunch of Xeroxed pages about different aspects of the event, participants for the first time had what was basically an instruction manual. This covered everything from where they first needed to assemble, to when they had to finish their tasks, to where they could find the swap meet.

I really enjoy working on the roadeo. I handle the banquet ticket distribution for the participants, so I have the opportunity to interact with all of them. I used to know everyone’s names, but now, so many have retired … Even so, they all know my name!

I tell them that they are all winners because they’ve made it to the point of being at the actual roadeo. And when it’s over, I help them find the tables they want to sit at—which can sometimes be a delicate situation, since no one wants to be at the same table as a competitor!

How did you “land” at APTA?
I saw an ad in The Washington Post. I saw two ads, actually, and got offers for both of them. I chose APTA because it offered something different from what I’d been doing (at the State Department)—and when I found out it was public transit—I said hey! I need to be a part of that. When I came to APTA, Metro’s Red Line was just starting.

Initially, I worked for the Director of Rail and the Director of Bus—so I got to travel, something I hadn’t done before!

How long have you worked here?
24-1/2 years

Have you held other jobs in the public transportation industry (besides working at APTA)?

Could you tell us something about yourself that might surprise us?
I sang in a church choir, starting at age 10. I won’t say how long I’ve been doing that … Also, I started Weight Watchers and have so far lost 17 pounds—in a month and a half.

Make sure you see Cheryl Edwards' video, now that you've read this!

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