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The Source for Public Transportation News and Analysis July 27, 2012
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APTA’s Annual Meeting: Coming Up Soon in Seattle; Featured Speakers Include South African Rehana Moosajee

The 2012 APTA Annual Meeting, Sept. 30-Oct. 3 in Seattle, is only two months away! Public transportation professionals should attend to take advantage of the many informational and networking opportunities. In these challenging times for public transit, APTA has worked to incorporate a broad range of topics from partnerships and improved productivity to nontraditional revenue sources and service during high-profile events.

APTA committees will meet during the weekend of Sept. 29-30, including the first meeting of the newly elected 2012-2013 APTA Board of Directors. Other weekend activities include the Mid-Level Managers Welcome and Orientation Breakfast Meeting; This is APTA; “Meet with Mike,” an informal session with APTA President & CEO Michael Melaniphy; and the Sunday evening Welcome to Seattle Reception. The reception will be held once again on the floor of the Products & Services Showcase, giving participants an opportunity to learn about the newest and most advanced technologies for public transportation.

Monday’s Events
The Opening General Session, “Public Transportation Takes Us There,” begins Monday, Oct. 1. Representatives of King County Metro Transit, host system for the Annual Meeting, and local officials will join Melaniphy; outgoing Chair Gary C. Thomas; and incoming Chair Flora M. Castillo.

The rest of the day’s activities include the Products & Services Showcase and three series of concurrent educational sessions. Topics will include the Host Forum, which examines the partnerships among Puget Sound’s public transit agencies, state and local governments, and businesses; a General Forum, “Being Game Changers”; best practices for small systems; job creation through public transit procurements; improved service to older adults and persons with disabilities; and details of the recently passed surface transportation authorization law.

Also on Monday afternoon are the 33rd Annual AdWheel Awards Ceremony, honoring the best in public transit marketing efforts, and recognition of the recipients of this year’s American Public Transportation Foundation scholarships.

Tuesday Schedule
Tuesday, Oct. 2, begins with a General Session, “APTA Business Members Present Rehana Moosajee.” Moosajee led the transformation of the transportation system in Johannesburg, South Africa, and successfully met the transportation challenges accompanying the 2010 World Cup soccer tournament in the city. This effort included the development of Africa’s first Bus Rapid Transit system, ReaVaya, in 2009.

More educational sessions will follow.

APTA will honor “the best of the best” at the Awards Luncheon. This year’s event will include presentation of awards for APTA’s Outstanding Public Transportation Manager, Business Member, and Board Member; Local Distinguished Service Award; Innovation Award; Outstanding Public Transportation System Achievement Awards; and the newest member of the Hall of Fame.

Tuesday afternoon includes more concurrent sessions; Leadership APTA Class of 2012’s project presentations and graduation; and five technical tours organized by King County Metro Transit. Annual Meeting participants can sign up to tour the agency’s RapidRide Bus Rapid Transit corridor; the Downtown Seattle Transit Tunnel, Transit/Link Communications & Control Center, and Atlantic/Central Operations Base; Sound Transit’s Sounder commuter rail; Link light rail, also operated by Sound Transit; and the city’s South Lake Union Streetcar and South Lake Union Development.

What’s on Wednesday
On Wednesday morning, Oct. 3, the APTA/WTS Breakfast is serving something different from its usual single speaker. “Powerful Women—Reflections on Power, Leadership, and Effecting Change” brings together a panel of women leaders from the public transit industry and the Seattle area, sharing their experiences with leadership and effecting change. The last set of concurrent sessions will follow.

The Closing General Session, “FISH! Alive in Leaders!”, will present ways to help leaders inspire, through example, a culture of worker trust, support, accountability, energy, and creativity. Participants will examine their leadership beliefs and styles, their impact on relationships, and their role in developing the culture and success they desire.

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