May 16, 2014
» The City of Fairfax, VA, is seeking a superintendent for the CUE Bus system. [More]
» Tennessee DOT has an opening for manager of the Office of Public Transportation. [More]
» The Regional Transit Authority of New Orleans is looking for vendors to supply and deliver bio-diesel and diesel fuel for its buses and leased ferries. [More]
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Caltrain Opens Grade Separation in San Bruno

Caltrain commuter rail marked the completion May 10 of a grade separation project in downtown San Bruno, CA, that improves safety by elevating the train tracks over three streets. The railroad has served the city for 150 years.

The project incorporates a new train station with passenger shelters and ticket vending machines, located on the 800-foot elevated platform, along with three pedestrian underpasses and a new 200-space parking lot.

“This project eliminates one of the most dangerous grade crossings in California,” said Caltrain Executive Director Michael J. Scanlon. “That alone justifies the cost, the work, and the disruption to San Bruno of this significant engineering undertaking. By working closely with the city and the community, we were able to design a new station that is a landmark on the city’s skyline, and provides them the opportunity for development and economic advancement around this new station.”

“The city of San Bruno and its citizens have worked closely with Caltrain for over a decade to bring this project to reality,” Mayor Jim Ruane said at the dedication event. “The result provides not only a tremendous rail safety improvement, but a beautiful gateway to our community.”

The project is also intended to be a catalyst to support San Bruno’s downtown revitalization goals.

Funding for construction of the grade separation came from $92.4 million in sales tax revenues under Measure A, a half-cent sales tax for transit and transportation projects in San Mateo County. Officials leveraged Measure A dollars to attract $55.9 million in state funds and $6.6 million in federal funds. Fifteen percent of all funds collected under the reauthorized measure (approved by voters in 2004) are allocated to Caltrain grade separation projects. 

Residents of San Bruno, CA, watch a Caltrain locomotive travel over the new elevated track, where a new rail station is located.

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