December 5, 2014
» The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority has an opening for a general manager and chief executive officer. [More]
» The Ann Arbor Area Transportation Authority is looking for a chief executive officer. [More]
» Culver CityBus is requesting proposals for a line-by-line and comprehensive analysis of its transit service. [More]
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APTA Organizes Business Member Fly-In

APTA invited business members to visit Capitol Hill Dec. 3 to tell their members of Congress about the importance of public transportation.
Photos by Steve Barrett

Meeting with Sen. Michael Crapo (R-ID), left, are AECOM representative Cynthia Stinger and William Slater, Wabtec Corp.

APTA business members and APTA President & CEO Michael Melaniphy visit with Rep. Tom Reed (R-NY), fifth from left.

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