July 15, 2016
» Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit Inc., Ithaca, NY, seeks a general manager. [More]
» Los Alamos County, NM, is looking for a transit manager for Atomic City Transit. [More]
» The Ann Arbor Area Transportation Authority requests letters of interest and statements of qualifications regarding transportation service between Ann Arbor and Detroit Metropolitan Airport. [More]
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New 'VIVA' Routes Begin in San Antonio

VIA Metropolitan Transit in San Antonio, TX, recently introduced its new VIVA service at The DoSeum, a destination on one of three bus routes that connect riders with historic sites, art, dining and entertainment spots and opportunities to learn and discover in the heart of the city. The event also debuted the VIVA brand, featured on a new CNG bus, and a mural that will be displayed at loctions along the routes throughout the summer. “The three VIVA routes were inspired by places that celebrate San Antonio and were developed with input from throughout our community,” said VIA President/CEO Jeffrey C. Arndt.
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