July 15, 2016
» Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit Inc., Ithaca, NY, seeks a general manager. [More]
» Los Alamos County, NM, is looking for a transit manager for Atomic City Transit. [More]
» The Ann Arbor Area Transportation Authority requests letters of interest and statements of qualifications regarding transportation service between Ann Arbor and Detroit Metropolitan Airport. [More]
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Moses to Step Down as COMTO President and CEO

Mioshi Moses, president and chief executive officer of the Conference of Minority Transportation Officials (COMTO) since July 2015, has announced that she will step down from that position effective Aug. 5.

“I have enjoyed serving at COMTO and learned a lot from the dedicated and hardworking people with whom I have been associated.” Moses said. “My time at COMTO has been a very enriching experience. I believe that I have done what the board asked me to do. I have completed my assignment.”

COMTO Board Chairman Warren Montague said, “When Mioshi came to the organization, she faced a time of leadership transition. “With great courage, resolution and foresight, she set high goals and adopted new policies and procedures to address each task before her. The results have been extremely positive. We wish her well in her future endeavors.”

The COMTO board has taken steps to review the credentials of a series of candidates for an interim leadership period, Montague said, adding, “We have also formed a search committee to begin the work of identifying a new, full-time president and CEO.”
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