October 7, 2016
» The Regional Transit Authority of New Orleans is looking for an executive director. [More]
» The city of Gardena, CA, seeks a transit administrative officer. [More]
» The Chatham Area Transit Authority requests proposals for vendors to manage its advertising sales program. [More]
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White House Adds $80 Million to Smart Cities Initiative; Chattanooga to Receive Funding to Test Self-Driving Vehicles

Urban transportation projects will receive more than $15 million in new federal grants and planned funding as part of an $80 million expansion to the White House Smart Cities Initiative, announced at a Sept. 26 event to kick off Smart Cities Week.

The funding will help National ­Science Foundation researchers in Chattanooga, TN, test, for the first time, how an entire urban network of connected and autonomous vehicles can improve travel efficiency and operate safely during severe weather events. The Chattanooga Area Regional Transit Authority is not included in this grant.

The expansion also includes $10 million to expand the Department of Energy (DOE) SMART Mobility Consortium to support smart, energy-efficient urban transportation systems and establish a “Technologist in Cities” pilot in Columbus, OH (winner of the DOT 2016 Smart City Challenge), and Detroit.

In addition to the $15 million in transportation grants, the White House announced other funding for the initiative that would help cities address energy and climate challenges and boost public safety and disaster response, bringing the number of cities participating in the initiative to more than 70.

For details, click here.
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