October 7, 2016
» The Regional Transit Authority of New Orleans is looking for an executive director. [More]
» The city of Gardena, CA, seeks a transit administrative officer. [More]
» The Chatham Area Transit Authority requests proposals for vendors to manage its advertising sales program. [More]
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FTA, NTI Announce EJ Course

FTA and the National Transit Institute (NTI) have announced a training course for employees of public transit agencies, MPOs, state DOTs and U.S. DOT, Introduction to Environmental Justice (EJ), Oct. 24-25 at DOT headquarters in Washington, DC.

The course offers pointers for transportation professionals when considering EJ in planning and project development while providing the basic tenets of EJ principles as a civil rights matter. It satisfies the EJ requirements issued by executive order, DOT order and an FTA circular.

The course is designed to help participants identify the difference between Title VI and environmental justice, discuss the importance of environmental justice and how it affects transportation decision-making, and understand the compliance process for planning and implementing under the National Environmental Policy Act.

For more information, including who is eligible to attend free, contact Ginny Stern. To register, click here.
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