December 16, 2016
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APTA Presidential Search Moves Forward

APTA member Krauthamer & Associates has been selected to conduct the search for the association’s next president and chief executive officer. APTA’s Board of Directors approved the contract in December based on the unanimous recommendation of the CEO Search Task Force.

The 50-member task force, led by APTA Chair Doran J. Barnes, began work in September by creating three working groups to address different aspects of the CEO search process. Working Group One, chaired by APTA Vice Chair Nathaniel Ford Sr., was charged with the first priority—identifying an executive search firm. The thorough review process included evaluating the proposals based on specific criteria and conducting interviews with the four top-ranked firms. Seven firms responded to the request for proposals.

Working Group One will now begin to identify the qualities and attributes most desired in the next president and CEO and develop a job description.

Working Group Two, chaired by Secretary/Treasurer Kim Green will recommend an updated compensation philosophy, and Working Group Three, chaired by Immediate Past Chair Valarie J. McCall, will recommend a performance measurement process. A fourth working group will be appointed by Barnes at a later date to conduct interviews and recommend a candidate for the board’s consideration.

To ensure the task force takes into account the views of APTA members, an open and inclusive process is planned. Listening sessions are scheduled at the Business Member Board of Governors meeting and the Transit CEOs Seminar. In addition, sessions will be held with the Transit Board Members and the full membership at the Legislative Conference in March.

“We encourage all members to participate and provide their views on what attributes and qualities they believe our next president should have,” Barnes said. “We are committed to finding the best person to lead APTA into the future.”
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