December 16, 2016
» Denver's Regional Transportation District seeks a chief operations officer/deputy general manager. [More]
» New Jersey Transit Corporation is looking for a chief compliance officer. [More]
» The city of Norwalk, CA, requests proposals for provision of renewable natural gas. [More]
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APTA: Commuter Rail Making 'Significant Progress' on PTC

Carolyn Hayward-Williams, APTA’s director, engineering and technology services, and Billy Terry, the association’s senior legislative representative, testified at a joint hearing of the New Jersey Senate Legislative Oversight and Assembly Judiciary committees in early December, noting that the industry is making “significant progress” on meeting federal implementation deadlines for PTC.

Specifically, Hayward-Williams said the industry is moving forward on PTC initiatives despite facing common technical complexities, procurement challenges and staffing constraints. Terry described commuter rail agencies’ efforts to manage massive implementation costs while simultaneously addressing substantial state of good repair and rising operational costs with limited local, state and federal resources.

George Hartman, Amtrak senior manager for positive train control, also testified at the hearing and gave an overview of Amtrak’s PTC project with an emphasis on the Northeast Corridor.
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