January 27, 2017
» Connecticut DOT seeks a transit administrator in the Office of Transit & Ridesharing in the Bureau of Public Transportation. [More]
» The Greater Dayton Regional Transit Authority is looking for a deputy chief operations officer. [More]
» Clemson Area Transit is preparing a solicitation for its battery electric bus project. [More]
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MTA Staten Island Railway Opens Station; Part of MTA Plan for Area

The New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) recently opened the Arthur Kill Station—the first new Staten Island Railway station built by the MTA since it incorporated the private rail line into its network in 1971.

The $27.4 million station replaces two others, Nassau and Atlantic, which will be demolished. It is ADA compliant and offers a new 150-spot parking lot and a bus transfer point.

The MTA 2015-2019 Capital Program includes $386 million of investments and improvements to Staten Island Railway, including replacement of the car fleet and three new power substations to increase supply to the line, allowing for service flexibility and reliability. More than 16,000 customers ride the 29-mile railway on an average weekday. 

A test train arrived at the new Arthur Kill Station in advance of service beginning Jan. 21.

Photo courtesy of New York MTA

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