January 27, 2017
» Connecticut DOT seeks a transit administrator in the Office of Transit & Ridesharing in the Bureau of Public Transportation. [More]
» The Greater Dayton Regional Transit Authority is looking for a deputy chief operations officer. [More]
» Clemson Area Transit is preparing a solicitation for its battery electric bus project. [More]
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New, Interim CEOs Named

Smith, West Virginia DOT

Tom Smith, senior transportation advisor for the Appalachian Regional Commission in Washington, DC, since 2016, has been named secretary of West Virginia DOT and commissioner of the Division of Highways. Smith worked for FHWA for more than 37 years, most recently with more than 16 years as division administrator for the West Virginia Division.

Graham, Brookville Equipment Corp.
Brookville Equipment Corporation, Brookville, PA, has promoted Rick Graham to president after 14 months as chief financial officer for the 99-year-old company. He succeeds Marion Van Fosson, who served as president since December 2014.

Graham has 20 years of financial leadership experience in industries including manufacturing, distribution and healthcare. He also held CFO positions with two organizations and was an independent consultant for more than 15 years.

Scaer and Nowicki, Gannett Fleming
Gannett Fleming Inc., headquartered in Harrisburg, PA, has named two company veterans to its top leadership positions: Robert M. Scaer, chairman of the board and chief executive officer, and Paul D. Nowicki, president and chief operating officer.

Scaer, the company’s eighth chairman and CEO in its 100-year history, was its president and chief operating officer from 2009-2016, leading the firm through a reorganization in 2016. He joined Gannett Fleming in 1982.

Nowicki succeeds Scaer as president and COO. He joined the company as an intern in 1982 and recently served as director of its southeast and northeast regions.

Rosenfeld, Interim, Memphis Area Transit Authority

The Memphis Area Transit Authority (MATA) has named Chief Administrative Officer Gary Rosenfeld its interim chief executive officer following the Jan. 26 resignation of Ron Garrison, CEO since 2014, who cited personal health issues.

Rosenfeld joined MATA in March 2016 after 13 years as general manager of the Delaware North-Yosemite Transportation System at Yosemite National Park, CA.
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