February 10, 2017
» The Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation is looking for a director of Northern Virginia rail projects. [More]
» The Sacramento Regional Transit District seeks a director, planning. [More]
» The Minnesota Valley Transit Authority requests proposals for a CAD/AVL system. [More]
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FTA Schedules TAM Roundtable

FTA invites Transit Asset Management (TAM) practitioners from U.S. public transit agencies to gather in Cambridge, MA, beginning Aug. 28 to participate in a two- to three-day TAM roundtable.

FTA welcomes input in developing the roundtable program and invites TAM professionals to email topics of interest here.

Additional details on the roundtable, including the agenda and registration process, will appear online over the coming months. Click here and search on “FTA 2017 TAM roundtable.”
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