April 7, 2017
» Metra in Chicago is looking for an executive director/CEO. [More]
» SolTrans, the Solano County Transit Joint Powers Authority in Vallejo, CA, seeks an executive director/CEO. [More]
» The Tri-State Transit Authority, Huntington, WV, requests proposals for an Invitation for Bid to supply and install bicycle racks and lockers. [More]
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Apply Now for Leadership APTA Class of 2018 Program

Leadership APTA is accepting applications for the Class of 2018 through June 2.

Leadership APTA is the association’s premier professional development program, designed to develop and support experienced industry professionals who aspire to hold senior and executive leadership positions in their organizations, the public transportation industry and APTA.

Each year, the Leadership APTA Committee selects 25 individuals from member organizations to participate in an intensive year-long program that includes executive roundtables, skill-building workshops, site visits and tours, team leadership projects, teleconferences, online meetings and web-based events. Members of the Class of 2018 will be selected and notified soon after mid-July.

When the 2017 APTA Annual Meeting & EXPO concludes in Atlanta, Leadership APTA will have graduated 500 leaders who serve in a broad range of leadership positions in APTA and the industry.

Each member organization can submit only one candidate as an applicant. To apply, click here. For more details, contact Joseph Niegoski.
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