April 21, 2017
» GoDurham, NC, seeks a general manager. [More]
» The Maryland Transit Administration is looking for a director, light rail. [More]
» The San Francisco Bay Area Water Emergency Transportation Authority requests proposals for general counsel legal services. [More]
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Engage Tomorrow's Workforce

Does your organization have a strategy to attract the next generation of public trans­portation’s workforce?

Now’s the time to introduce K-12 students to careers in the industry, advises APTA’s Workforce Development Committee, which is sponsoring the association’s 6th annual National Public Transportation Career Day, Thursday, May 18.

Committee Chair Paul Larrousse, director of the National Transit Institute, is encouraging agencies and businesses to host an activity or event to showcase the rewards of a public transit career. Suggestions include conducting tours and demonstrations, sponsoring poster contests and hosting career awareness programs.

Need more ideas? Visit the APTA website to find resources, information on careers and even job postings.

In addition, the committee is conducting a survey to gather information about outreach initiatives to students. Take the short survey here.
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