September 15, 2017
» The Roaring Fork Transportation Authority, Aspen, CO, seeks a chief operating officer. [More]
» The Interurban Transit Partnership (The Rapid), Grand Rapids, MI, is looking for a deputy CEO-finance and administration. [More]
» Blacksburg Transit, Blacksburg, VA, requests proposals for bus graphics. [More]
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WMATA Adds Taxis to Paratransit Options for Passengers

The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) is adding discounted on-demand taxi service—for as little as $5 per trip—to its options for MetroAccess paratransit customers in Maryland.

The Abilities-Ride program, which begins Sept. 18, offers subsidized rides to MetroAccess customers in partnership with two taxi companies for any trip that begins and ends within its service area in Maryland. The wheelchair-accessible vehicles can accommodate customers traveling with a personal care assistant and/or a service animal at no additional charge.

WMATA General Manager/Chief Executive Officer Paul J. Wiedefeld called the program “a win-win for Metro and our MetroAccess customers” that “gives customers these important benefits while reducing cost for Metro.”

Customers will receive a fare estimate before taking a trip. They will pay the first $5, WMATA will cover the next $15 and any remaining fare will be billed to the customer.

Each MetroAccess trip costs WMATA about $50. The replacement of some of these trips with Abilities-Ride is estimated to save the agency $4 million-$6 million per year.


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