April 6, 2018
» The Rapid, Grand Rapids, MI, seeks a chief executive officer. [More]
» MetroPlan Orlando, the MPO for the Orlando, FL, region, is looking for an executive director. [More]
» Ben Franklin Transit, Richland, WA, requests proposals for paratransit contracted services. [More]
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New TCRP Publications

The Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) has released the following new publications:

S-134: Customer-Focused Service Guarantees and Transparency Practices. This report documents the nature and prevalence of customer-focused practices (such as service guarantees or transparency practices) among transit providers in North America and supplements the discussion by including information from European transit providers.

Web-Only Document 71: A Transit Agency Guide to Evaluating Secondary Train Detection/Protection Systems in Communications-Based Train Control Systems. This guide provides a practical approach to evaluating the appropriate level of secondary train detection/protection systems for a given communications-based train control system application. In terms of detection, track circuits and axle counters are both considered and compared, including the broken rail detection capabilities of track circuits and the possibility of having no secondary detection at all.

LRD-52: Legal Implications of Video Surveillance on Transit Systems. This report explores the use of video surveillance systems on buses, trains and stations. The widespread use of such video surveillance systems has generated numerous legal issues, such as a system’s ability to use video to discipline employees, safety issues associated with such use, public access to such video and retention policies regarding video, among others.

To order these publications, click here.
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