April 6, 2018
» The Rapid, Grand Rapids, MI, seeks a chief executive officer. [More]
» MetroPlan Orlando, the MPO for the Orlando, FL, region, is looking for an executive director. [More]
» Ben Franklin Transit, Richland, WA, requests proposals for paratransit contracted services. [More]
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BBB Introduces First of 50 New Buses

Big Blue Bus (BBB) in Santa Monica, CA, is investing $18.3 million in FTA and state Proposition 1B funds to replace 50 40-foot buses purchased between 2004 and 2006 with the same number of new vehicles equipped with updated comfort, safety and security technology.

The first new buses to enter service, in early April, are seven 30-foot vehicles from Gillig. Another Gillig order covers 20 40-foot buses due to be commissioned in October, along with a planned additional order of 23 of the 40-foot buses by December 2019.

BBB customers can expect to see the following improvements on board the new fleet: Cummins-Westport Near-Zero engines fueled with renewable natural gas will fuel the new vehicles. Amenities will include a 10-inch passenger awareness monitor that allows customers to see themselves board; a three-point wheelchair securement system; retractable seating that will keep the aisle clear while allowing customers to store bulky items; updated LED destination signs; slip-resistant flooring; and an improved power steering system that will make vehicles easier to maneuver for operators while reducing fatigue and enhancing customer safety.

“We are making a significant investment to modernize one quarter of our fleet with new and exciting technology that will deliver a safer, more comfortable travel experience for customers and operators,” said Ed King, BBB director of transit services. “Further, reshaping our fleet with smaller, more agile 30-foot vehicles will create new opportunities for ridership growth by enabling us to safely and efficiently serve customers on narrower streets and corridors.”
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