April 6, 2018
» The Rapid, Grand Rapids, MI, seeks a chief executive officer. [More]
» MetroPlan Orlando, the MPO for the Orlando, FL, region, is looking for an executive director. [More]
» Ben Franklin Transit, Richland, WA, requests proposals for paratransit contracted services. [More]
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NFTA Receives $9 Million State DOT Grant

NFTA Receives $9 Million State DOT Grant

On April 2, representatives of the New York State Assembly visited the Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority’s (NFTA) Delevan/Canisius Metro Rail Station in downtown Buffalo to announce a $9 million capital grant through New York State DOT for improvements to the agency’s light rail system.

“The Metro Rail system is a tremendous asset in our community and we need to continue to invest in it to make sure that we maintain a sustainable public transportation network,” said NFTA Public Transit Director Tom George. He said the state funding will allow the agency to make station improvements, rebuild railcars and take care of track and catenary issues, adding, “Although riders may not physically see these components, they are critical to the system’s operation and to providing our riders with safe and consistent rail service.”

NFTA explained that the Metro Rail system, which accounts for 90 percent of its capital dollars, is dealing with significant deterioration related to the lack of dedicated state funding for the light rail system; the current State Operating Assistance and capital funding programs for upstate New York public transit authorities only cover bus service. Approximately five million riders used Metro Rail last year.
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