April 6, 2018
» The Rapid, Grand Rapids, MI, seeks a chief executive officer. [More]
» MetroPlan Orlando, the MPO for the Orlando, FL, region, is looking for an executive director. [More]
» Ben Franklin Transit, Richland, WA, requests proposals for paratransit contracted services. [More]
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New Flyer Announces New CNG Bus Orders

Two subsidiaries of New Flyer Industries Inc. have announced contracts for 40-foot CNG buses: up to 154 for the Central Ohio Transit Authority (COTA) in Columbus and eight for BC Transit, Victoria, British Columbia.

The new COTA contract with New Flyer of America Inc. covers the next five years, with 28 firm orders and options to purchase an additional 126 buses to replace end-of-life vehicles with more efficient CNG buses. Funding came from FTA, state and local sources.

The order continues COTA’s 2013 commitment to move its entire fleet to CNG within 12 years. The agency introduced its newly redesigned route network, featuring more frequent service and better connections to more destinations, in 2017, and earlier this year launched CMAX, the region’s first BRT line.

The eight-bus contract between BC Transit and New Flyer Industries Canada ULC converts the vehicles from New Flyer’s option backlog to the firm order backlog. BC Transit operates in partnership with 59 local governments across 130 communities in British Columbia.

Another New Flyer subsidiary, ARBOC Specialty Vehicles LLC, has entered into a contract with Calgary (Alberta) Transit for the purchase of 137 fully accessible, low floor, cutaway Spirit of Freedom (“Freedom”) buses built on a conventional GM chassis.

ARBOC Produces 3,000th Vehicle

ARBOC Specialty Vehicles also recently produced the 3,000th bus produced in its facility in Middlebury, IN, 10 years after building its first. The 3,000th bus was part of an eight-vehicle order for the city of Sarnia, Ontario.
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