October 19, 2018
» The Sacramento Regional Transit District seeks a chief of staff. [More]
» VIA Metropolitan Transit is looking for a director of innovative services. [More]
» Culver City, CA, requests proposals for wheelchair restraint systems. [More]
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TCRP Announces Upcoming Webinars

The Transit Cooperative Research Project (TCRP) has announced two 90-minute webinars, both beginning at 2 p.m. Eastern time. The Oct. 23 program, conducted by the National Transit Institute, focuses on TCRP Synthesis 130: Battery Electric Buses—State of the Practice, prepared by partners including APTA, FTA, the Center for Transportation and the Environment and Foothill Transit, West Covina, CA. Register here.

On Oct. 25, TRB will present “Examining the Effects of NEMT [non-emergency medical transportation] Brokerages on Transportation Coordination,” which features research from TCRP Research Report 202: Handbook for Examining the Effects of NEMT Brokerages on Transportation Coordination. Register here.
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