July 25, 2014
» The Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority has an opening for an executive director. [More]
» The Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District is looking for a chief operating officer. [More]
» The Capital District Transportation Authority seeks proposals for maintenance of articulated buses. [More]
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Educational Outreach at EXPO

APTA is scheduling two different educational programs during EXPO to promote public transportation career opportunities for young people.

Working with Junior Achievement, APTA will host a session describing ways for high school students to learn about public transit careers, such as internships and developing mentorships. Industry professionals will talk to the students in an open forum, then may tour the exhibit hall and have lunch before concluding the session.

Undergraduate and graduate students from Texas Southern University and Texas A&M University will participate in interactive presentations, reporting on transportation-related topics and issues they are currently studying. Tabletop displays will accompany the presentations.
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