July 25, 2014
» The Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority has an opening for an executive director. [More]
» The Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District is looking for a chief operating officer. [More]
» The Capital District Transportation Authority seeks proposals for maintenance of articulated buses. [More]
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Foothill Transit to Purchase Proterra's New Model Bus

Foothill Transit in West Covina, CA, has become the first U.S. public transit agency to purchase ­Proterra LLC’s new 40-foot electric buses. The two buses, at a total cost of $2.4 million, are scheduled to deliver in December. Proterra previously built only 35-foot fast-charge electric buses.

The agency currently operates 15 of Proterra’s 35-foot electric buses on Line 291, a 17-mile line between La Verne and Pomona.

“These buses are a much needed innovative step for our region,” said Doug Tessitor, chair, Foothill Transit Executive Board. “These vehicles are part of our commitment to sustainability and clean air. We want our communities, our neighbors, to be proud of their public transit system. These new buses will debut here first and we’re very excited to see them on the road.”

In 2010, Foothill Transit was awarded a $10.17 million Transit Investment in Greenhouse Gas and Energy Reduction ­(TIGGER II) to purchase nine electric buses and charging station enhancements. The grant was the largest of its kind awarded to a public transit agency, and the purchase of these vehicles enable Foothill to operate Line 291 as an all-­electric, zero-emission bus line.

“Always a visionary and agent of positive change, Foothill Transit was our first customer and has led the way in helping us commercialize electric vehicle technology for urban transit,” said Ryan Popple, Proterra chief executive officer. “Innovation doesn’t happen in a vacuum; it requires partnership. We are proud of the strong partnership we have developed and pleased with the positive results it has already achieved in reducing energy costs and minimizing environmental impact.”

Foothill Transit serves more than 14 million customers annually on 36 fixed route bus lines in Los Angeles County. Proterra leads in the design and manufacture of clean technology and clean energy, providing zero-emission vehicles that enable bus fleet operators to reduce operating costs while delivering clean, quiet power.
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