July 25, 2014
» The Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority has an opening for an executive director. [More]
» The Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District is looking for a chief operating officer. [More]
» The Capital District Transportation Authority seeks proposals for maintenance of articulated buses. [More]
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Updated PTC Guidance from FCC

The Federal Communications Commission has posted on its website updated guidance on the environmental review process for Positive Train Control (PTC) wayside poles and an updated PTC environmental checklist. The documents are available here.

In particular, the ­guidance clarifies what is required for PTC wayside infrastructure located in a floodplain. FCC rules require an environmental assessment (EA) whenever infrastructure is to be located within the boundaries of a 100-year floodplain. Consistent with Federal Emergency Management Agency regulations, however, FCC does not require that the PTC pole itself be elevated above the floodplain. Rather, the EA must show that the equipment cabinet and any other auxiliary structures are elevated at least one foot above the floodplain. This is consistent with the standards FCC applies to all communications structures under its jurisdiction.

The guidance also clarifies the process for completing FCC mandated forms.
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