July 25, 2014
» The Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority has an opening for an executive director. [More]
» The Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District is looking for a chief operating officer. [More]
» The Capital District Transportation Authority seeks proposals for maintenance of articulated buses. [More]
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Public Transit: Going the Extra Mile

Public transportation agencies and their employees sometimes go the extra mile to serve their ­passengers. Here are a few examples.

CDTA Outreach for Organ Donor
A woman in Albany, NY, has purchased exterior ad space on five Capital District Transportation Authority (CDTA) buses citing her need for a kidney donor. A CDTA spokesperson said, “We think it shows the value of transit advertising that she decided to go with buses because they offer a wide scope of coverage throughout our communities and are cost-effective.”

Alleged Bank Robber Stopped On SEPTA Bus
A bank robbery suspect boarded a Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority bus following an alleged robbery. Police received a tip from a passenger that another person on board matched the suspect’s description. Police then stopped the bus and took the man into custody.


In recognition of John Donnell’s 100th birthday, the Kansas City Area Transportation Authority took the retired bus and streetcar operator for a ride on his former bus route and to a reception with agency employees. Donnell began working for the system in December 1942 and retired in 1978.

Marion Miller of Temecula, CA, credits the Riverside Transit Agency’s (RTA) Dial-a-Ride service for helping her to graduate from Mt. San Jacinto College—so she invited Arnold Quinonez and his fellow drivers to attend her recent graduation ceremony. For more than two years, Miller—who has cerebral palsy—used the curb-to-curb service to travel to and from the campus in Menifee, CA, where she earned an associate degree in sociology.


Valley Metro express bus operator Tyrone Nelson, left, was recognized in Phoenix by Chief Executive Officer Steve Banta for stopping a wrong-way driver on an exit ramp. Nelson was returning to a bus yard when he saw the oncoming vehicle; he stopped his bus, activated his four-way flashers, and used the horn to alert the driver. The driver then realized his error and turned his vehicle around.
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