February 5, 2016
» The New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority is looking for a manager for its certification program. [More]
» Pierce Transit seeks a senior program administrator. [More]
» Culver City, CA, requests proposals for its SmartBus System Project. [More]
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Lansing's CATA Remembers Departed Employees

The Capital Area Transportation Authority (CATA), Lansing, MI, recently added a “memorial wall” to its administrative building honoring 18 employees who lost their lives while working for the agency, but not in the line of duty. CATA Chief Executive Officer/Executive Director Sandy Draggoo explained that the wall serves as a counterpart to similar displays of photos showing current employees and recognizing retirees. On the memorial wall, the name of each employee, noting his or her years of service, is etched on an individual tile of blue stained glass. Shown are the daughters of bus operator Darren Miller, whose name appears on the wall.
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